Savvy Commentary #1: The Origin of Paradise in Flames
you’re reading this blog, it’s probably because you know about my
debut novel, Paradise in Flames. Now,
you’re coming to your ol’ pal S.K. Salazar with your questions about it. Well,
let’s start with the reason why I chose to write this story.
My initial spark came from watching The Phantom of the Opera. You know how
it is. You’re watching a movie, you go down a rabbit hole, imagining yourself
in the adventure or what kind of other adventures it could spark. Then, the
movie has already moved along and you have to rewind it because you need to
catch up on the juicy details.
Well, I liked the dark and light
dynamic between Christine and the Phantom. I found it romantic. I imagined a
person aligned with darkness learning kindness and goodness from their partner,
who is aligned with light. And vice versa, I imagined a person aligned with
light learning how to occasionally chase their own desires and to stand up for
That’s when I realized that an
angel and a demon could represent this dynamic so well. So, I set to work with
creating their identities and picking out their names. Duilius was easy. I
wanted to choose a Latin name that meant “warlike” or “warrior”. (Since Duilius
is a war demon and all.) As for Celestina, I wanted her name to ring like
something heavenly. I couldn’t pick Celestia, because of the obvious My Little Pony ties. I also couldn’t
pick something so simple as Celeste or Celesta. I thought about Seraphina at
first, but that would be too ham-handed. But Celestina? That was grand enough
and unique enough to fit my character. (Nevermind that Celestina is the name of
a minor character in Harry Potter. Keep
in mind that I read that series after
I finished Paradise in Flames.)
Long ago, I used to be a Doreen Virtue fan. She's introduced me to a lot of life-changing ways to work with the angels and archangels in your life. (Yeah, I'm one of those nutty New Age types. Oh well.) Although I never came around to fully believing in the concepts she presented in her book Earth Angels, I was still intrigued by the concept of humans being reincarnations of mystical beings based on their behavior and proclivities. Since I have such a fascination with reincarnation, I was inspired to create human
personas to match the angelic and demonic ones. I chose
Blake’s name from an online article about “bad boy names” and I chose Lily’s
from a list of “pure girl’s names”. Both of their names ended up working swimmingly,
actually. The name “Blake” has Old English origins, meaning “black”. And Lily
usually has a connotation to the flower, which has a connotation to the color
white. I thought about changing her name to Bianca at one time, since she is
Italian. But after going over that idea with my old friend and very first beta reader,
Joey, I just couldn’t do it. He said, “I feel like changing her name would be
killing her.” I was also told by a member of my writer’s critique group that
her name sounded too biblical (and therefore too cliché). But I made a decision
of the heart and kept her name after all.
You wouldn’t believe how fast I
wrote the first third of this novel. Unfortuantely, I was supposed to be packing and getting ready to go to Brazil at the time. (This
was around March 2015.) But I was inflamed with this desire to write this
story. I spent hours on and off on the treadmill, listening to music and
planning out the scenes in my head.
At first, I didn’t plan on selling
this story. I just wanted to write it for fun, just as something to give me an
outlet for this passion. But once I kept to a good writing schedule, I decided
that I had to share it with the world and to pursue my purpose as a writer once
again. (Prior to Paradise in Flames, I had written and closeted a fantasy YA novel which I was going to call Lydia: The Orb of Light. I put it on hold because I had left it alone for too long and had already "outgrown" the novel once it was finished.)
So, between the day before I took
off for Brazil and a week after, I had managed to write eleven chapters.
(Granted that those chapters were short.) Why? Because I was jonesin’ for the
opportunity to write the sex scene. (I’m an animal and I have animalistic
desires, okay?)
After that, the process was pretty
slow-going. It took about nine months to have my giant 160,000-word baby. And
it took a year to pare it down to 130,000 words.
Now, let’s get to a nasty subject
that nobody really likes to talk about. I can already imagine the criticism
that my story will bring, so allow me to defend myself right now.
Yes, Blake and Lily have an
incredibly unhealthy relationship. It can border on abusive sometimes. “Why
write this?” you ask. “The market is already saturated with bad boy and good
girl stories and unhealthy relationships. Why add to that?”
Because, and I know that this reason
isn’t good enough for a lot of people, I’ve also been a victim of emotional
abuse in a relationship. I’ve also been the abuser in the relationship after that
first abusive relationship. This story was my opportunity to get it out of my
system. It was my chance to experience that “excitement” I needed one last time
so that I could move on to a healthy relationship.
It is my sincere hope that Paradise in Flames doesn't glamorize or promote unhealthy relationships. Instead, I want it to spread out a chronological map of how a person's life can deteriorate when their partner disrespects their boundaries and how it can thrive once again when those boundaries are reinstated.
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